Why BlueOcean Entrepeneurship....

Welcome to my fresh start blog versing about what is like to be in global jobs, global companies, global projects, global mindnesses and everyday becoming more and more integrated and how to deal with cultural and regional differences in a smooth manner.I have called this blog Blue Ocean Entrepeneurship because I believe every global executive has an underpinning mask of an entrepeneurship from the inside. And of course the powerfull image of a big blue ocean ahead of us means the infinity of possibilities and richness in this path to our professional and personal achievements.

Welcome all!!!!

Rodrigo Montagner

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

People's Resilience > Live Vocal Street Music in Chilli Cold NY and SAP Project Management - a Resilience Effort

Dear Readers,

I was visiting old posts and personal recordings and found this one, which my wife Paula and I have been present at back in December 2008, right in front of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City (I am the left leather brown jacket guy talking to one of the singers).

It was a bloody cold and chili afternoon, and despite of that these gentlemen were there offering their art and hitting high notes and groovy rhythms, never loosing the "mojo" and never loosing the feeling.

Now, two years later, I recall the felling I've had there and reflect about similar situations in different environments.

I can compare this experience as a resiliency effort, singing along together and IN TUNE at a minus zero degree and very windy temperature (or a harsh environment) with some similar situations we can find managing projects and teams in global, regional or local efforts, to implement Infrastructure upgrades or even to implement ERP such as SAP.

In order to manage an SAP Implementation from the Industry perspective, or from the business perspective, we really have to be prepared to connect all the different business scenarios, from people to stakeholders, from resistant key users to resistant executives and day to day business managers, from HR to production people.

During almost one hundred percent of the projects, we will really find different levels of conflicts, key users frustrated, hard work everywhere you look, project people very tired and stakeholders asking for the every breath "faster>better>cheaper" request, as a monolith invisible phase in every project like this.

What have been called to my attention as a strong and recurring motto in Global Projects is the Resilience that heal up from some professionals and even some people inside groups.

Harsh situations and challenging environments puts people under stress, under high pressure for results and deliverables, for project timing and all sort of emotional and professional risks.

These stand point is the "most adequate weather" condition for blowing up the Resilience among the professionals assigned to an specific situation under the path and the whole critical mission of an organizational Maturation.

From the Wikipedia:

"Resilience" in psychology is the positive capacity of people to cope with stress and adversity. This coping may result in the individual “bouncing back” to a previous state of normal functioning, or using the experience of exposure to adversity to produce a “steeling effect” and function better than expected (much like an inoculation gives one the capacity to cope well with future exposure to disease).[1] Resilience is most commonly understood as a process, and not a trait of an individual."

All in all, all these years of Global Projects and efforts made me observe some brilliant people standing up in the crowd, showing Resilience, earning respect from the comrades, outgoing on the maturity path to career growth, emotional and personal development.

Have a Happy New Year's Eve !!

Sincerely Yours,

Rodrigo Montagner

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

CIO Gestão - Interessante Artigo - Empresas desconhecem benefícios do uso de redes sociais

Prezados Leitores,

Segue interessante matério publicada no site nacional CIO.

Vale aqui a citação.

Empresas desconhecem benefícios do uso de redes sociais

Das 2,1 mil empresas ouvidas em estudo do SAS Institute e da Harvard Business Review, 41% ainda lidam com o desafio de descobrir como tirar proveito da social media.

Pedro Fonseca - Computerworld PT

Publicada em 28 de dezembro de 2010 às 09h00

Obter um diferencial para o negócio ainda é um desafio importante para 41% das organizações pesquisadas em estudo recente do SAS Institute, em parceria com a Harvard Business Review com 2,1 mil executivos de empresas com atuação global. Muito embora, mais da metade já utilizem as redes sociais
Denominado “The New Conversation: Taking Social Media from Talk to Action”, o estudo evidencia que 40% dos responsáveis ainda enfrentam o desafio de medir a eficácia das atividades da organização nas redes sociais. Na mesma linha, quase um terço ainda aponta como importante desafio ligar essas iniciativas a retorno financeiro ou a retorno de investimentos.
Para muitas empresas, as operações nas redes sociais ainda são apenas uma experiência. Só 7% das empresas afirmam já estarem integrando as redes sociais nas suas estratégias globais de marketing, e apenas 23% utilizam ferramentas analíticas para as redes sociais.
Ainda de acordo com o mesmo estudo, 75% das empresas não sabem em que redes sociais seus clientes mais rentáveis andam comentando sobre produtos e serviços próprios ou da concorrência.
“As redes sociais apresentam um grande potencial para as empresas ouvirem os seus clientes, mas ainda são utilizadas quase exclusivamente como um canal unilateral para divulgação das mensagens empresariais”, afirma Luís Moniz, Diretor de Marketing do SAS Portugal. “Esta forma de ver as redes sociais vai mudar à medida que as empresas vão adotando soluções de Business Analytics que permitam medir e avaliar o impacto das suas mensagens através da análise das conversas dos seus clientes atuais e potenciais”, prevê.
Segundo o estudo, muitas organizações parecem estar mais focadas em “fazer barulho” do que em compreender e participar das conversas sobre sua marca, produtos ou serviços. Para metade das empresas pesquisadas que usam as redes sociais o principal benefício é o aumento da notoriedade das organizações e dos seus produtos e serviços. Já 30% veem o aumento do tráfego para os seus sites como um dos principais benefícios, mas apenas 29% reúnem e seguem as opiniões dos clientes online. Enquanto 23% concordam que as redes sociais os ajudam a monitorizar o burburinho favorável, apenas 18% afirmam poder identificar os comentários positivos e negativos.
Investimentos vão aumentar
Em um cenário de dois a três anos, 36% das empresas pesquisadas prevêem investimentos em ferramentas que as possibilitem analisar melhor os “sentimentos” dos clientes e 33% esperam implementar soluções de monitoramento das redes sociais. Ainda neste contexto, 27% das empresas querem fazer análises preditivas e 26% dizem que irão medir o impacto das conversas online. Muitas esperam igualmente integrar o monitoramento das redes sociais com outras ferramentas de marketing para compreender não só o que está sendo dito, como também o perfil de quem fala e qual o seu impacto.
O estudo foi realizado pelo Harvard Business Review Analytic Services através de um questionário online com 2100 assinantes da revista e da e-newsletter Harvard Business Review durante o mês de Julho de 2010. Adicionalmente foram realizadas 12 entrevistas qualitativas por telefone.

Um abraço


Thursday, December 23, 2010

Merry Christmas/ Feliz Natal / Feliz Navidad

Caros leitores e amigos,

Mais um ano se passou, muitos projetos, viagens, trabalhos, desafios, filha nascendo, novos desafios e um novo, talentoso e motivado time para gerenciar, com novos projetos, uma nova posição, novas projeções.

Desejo  a todos vocês a mesma felicidade, presença de Deus e realizações que Ele proporcionou a mim e a minha família durante este ano.

Um Feliz Natal a todos, lembrando que nossa FAMÍLIA é SEMPRE o mais importante !


Another year has passed, many projects, travel, jobs, projects, challenges, daughter born, new challenges and a new, talented and motivated team to manage, with new projects, a new position, new projections.

I wish you all the same happiness, God's presence and accomplishments that he gave me and my family this year.

Merry Christmas to all, remembering that our FAMILY IS ALWAYS the most important!


Otro año ha pasado, muchos proyectos, viajes, trabajos, retos, hija nació, nuevos retos y un nuevo, talentoso y motivado equipo de gestionar, con nuevos proyectos, una nueva posición, las nuevas previsiones.

Le deseo toda la felicidad misma, la presencia de Dios y los logros que ha dado a mí ya mi familia este año.

Feliz Navidad a todos, recordando que nuestra FAMILIA es siempre lo más importante!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Miles Davis’ Music Lesson for Performance Management

This is a great article written by Gary Cokins in his blog "Closing the Intelligence Gap".
His Blog is listed in my favorite's list.

A very smart approach using Jazz Music as a bridge.

Miles Davis’ Music Lesson for Performance Management

E.E Cummings

Here is one of my favorite poems of all times, written by a great spirit and a great voice of the century.

Somewhere i have never travelled, gladly beyond
any experience,your eyes have their silence:
in your most frail gesture are things which enclose me,
or which i cannot touch because they are too near

your slightest look easily will unclose me
though i have closed myself as fingers,
you open always petal by petal myself as Spring opens
(touching skilfully,mysteriously)her first rose

or if your wish be to close me,i and
my life will shut very beautifully,suddenly,
as when the heart of this flower imagines
the snow carefully everywhere descending;

nothing which we are to perceive in this world equals
the power of your intense fragility:whose texture
compels me with the color of its countries,
rendering death and forever with each breathing

(i do not know what it is about you that closes
and opens;only something in me understands
the voice of your eyes is deeper than all roses)
nobody,not even the rain,has such small hands 

Edward Estlin Cummings 

I  dedicate this post to my beloved wife Paula, I Love You !!!