Why BlueOcean Entrepeneurship....

Welcome to my fresh start blog versing about what is like to be in global jobs, global companies, global projects, global mindnesses and everyday becoming more and more integrated and how to deal with cultural and regional differences in a smooth manner.I have called this blog Blue Ocean Entrepeneurship because I believe every global executive has an underpinning mask of an entrepeneurship from the inside. And of course the powerfull image of a big blue ocean ahead of us means the infinity of possibilities and richness in this path to our professional and personal achievements.

Welcome all!!!!

Rodrigo Montagner

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Merry Christmas/ Feliz Natal / Feliz Navidad

Caros leitores e amigos,

Mais um ano se passou, muitos projetos, viagens, trabalhos, desafios, filha nascendo, novos desafios e um novo, talentoso e motivado time para gerenciar, com novos projetos, uma nova posição, novas projeções.

Desejo  a todos vocês a mesma felicidade, presença de Deus e realizações que Ele proporcionou a mim e a minha família durante este ano.

Um Feliz Natal a todos, lembrando que nossa FAMÍLIA é SEMPRE o mais importante !


Another year has passed, many projects, travel, jobs, projects, challenges, daughter born, new challenges and a new, talented and motivated team to manage, with new projects, a new position, new projections.

I wish you all the same happiness, God's presence and accomplishments that he gave me and my family this year.

Merry Christmas to all, remembering that our FAMILY IS ALWAYS the most important!


Otro año ha pasado, muchos proyectos, viajes, trabajos, retos, hija nació, nuevos retos y un nuevo, talentoso y motivado equipo de gestionar, con nuevos proyectos, una nueva posición, las nuevas previsiones.

Le deseo toda la felicidad misma, la presencia de Dios y los logros que ha dado a mí ya mi familia este año.

Feliz Navidad a todos, recordando que nuestra FAMILIA es siempre lo más importante!

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